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Business Information

ProQuest Dialog™Dialog online-based information services help organizations across the globe to seek competitive advantages in such fields as business, science, engineering, finance, and law. The Dialog portfolio of products and services, including Dialog® and DataStar®, offers organizations the ability to precisely retrieve data from more than 1.4 billion unique records of key information, accessible via the Internet or through delivery to enterprise intranets.

With direct operations in 27 countries, Dialog products and services are a combination of highly accurate online research tools offering access to unique and relevant databases - designed to meet the specific needs of a wide range of users. Information professionals and end-users at business, professional, scientific, academic and government organizations in more than 100 countries rely on Dialog services to meet their searching needs.

Sarke is partner of the Dialog since 2000. So far, we are the only source of business news from Georgia.

ISI Emerging MarketsInternet Securities, Inc. (trading as ISI Emerging Markets), was founded in 1994 and acquired by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC in 1999. It delivers hard-to-get information on more than 80 emerging markets through its award-winning online Emerging Markets Information Service. It aggregates and produces unique content including full-text news articles, financial statements, company information, industry analyses, equity quotes, macroeconomic statistics, and market-specific information, which are derived directly from more than 20,000 local and global publications.

ISI Emerging Markets subscribers include top investment banks, corporations, law firms, consultants, investment and insurance companies, universities and libraries, multilateral organizations, and others.

Sarke is partner of ISI since 2000. We ware the first partner of the company in Georgia.

Factiva®. The Intelligence Engine™Factiva's premier news collection ensures your efforts contribute to the bottom line - that the intelligence you gather leads to amazing insights, winning opportunities and better decisions.

Your foundation for strategic, actionable information, offers:

  • Acquire a complete, global view - 28,500 specialized publications and 900 newswires from 200 countries in 25 languages
  • Find exactly what you need with powerful custom or keyword search, across media types and 30 years of archives
  • Visualize trends, reveal unseen connections and automate the receipt of news wherever you are
  • Share information effortlessly with customized newsletters or widgets.

Sarke is partner of Factiva since 2008.

Policy and Management Consulting GroupPolicy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) is development consulting company, specializing in policy advising, capacity building, social infrastructure development, and corporate management. PMCG is primarily working in the regions of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa, with bilateral and multilateral development institutions, such as: USAID, European Commission, World Bank, UNDP, ADB, JICA and others.

Sarke is partner of PMCG since 2015.

Media Communications

MEDIA CONSULTAMEDIA CONSULTA (MC) was founded in 1993 with the aim of making communication more efficient through intelligent integration. We incorporate the different disciplines of the communications sector into one unified strategy and develop customised, integrated campaigns in our clients' interest. Our full service is profitable for you: by working with a higher degree of flexibility, you can benefit from significant synergies and cross-promotional effects.

Sarke is exclusive partner of MEDIA CONSULTA in Georgia since 2007.

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  RUR   3.2976   0.0027
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We wish you happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year!

We are leaving for Christmas holidays, so our site will not be updated until January 8.

Georgia is Europe!


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